/* * jQuery.fullscreen library v0.4.0 * Copyright (c) 2013 Vladimir Zhuravlev * * @license https://github.com/private-face/jquery.fullscreen/blob/master/LICENSE * * Date: Wed Dec 11 22:45:17 ICT 2013 **/ ;(function($) { function defined(a) { return typeof a !== 'undefined'; } function extend(child, parent, prototype) { var F = function() {}; F.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new F(); child.prototype.constructor = child; parent.prototype.constructor = parent; child._super = parent.prototype; if (prototype) { $.extend(child.prototype, prototype); } } var SUBST = [ ['', ''], // spec ['exit', 'cancel'], // firefox & old webkits expect cancelFullScreen instead of exitFullscreen ['screen', 'Screen'] // firefox expects FullScreen instead of Fullscreen ]; var VENDOR_PREFIXES = ['', 'o', 'ms', 'moz', 'webkit', 'webkitCurrent']; function native(obj, name) { var prefixed; if (typeof obj === 'string') { name = obj; obj = document; } for (var i = 0; i < SUBST.length; ++i) { name = name.replace(SUBST[i][0], SUBST[i][1]); for (var j = 0; j < VENDOR_PREFIXES.length; ++j) { prefixed = VENDOR_PREFIXES[j]; prefixed += j === 0 ? name : name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.substr(1); if (defined(obj[prefixed])) { return obj[prefixed]; } } } return void 0; }var ua = navigator.userAgent; var fsEnabled = native('fullscreenEnabled'); var IS_ANDROID_CHROME = ua.indexOf('Android') !== -1 && ua.indexOf('Chrome') !== -1; var IS_NATIVELY_SUPPORTED = !IS_ANDROID_CHROME && defined(native('fullscreenElement')) && (!defined(fsEnabled) || fsEnabled === true); var version = $.fn.jquery.split('.'); var JQ_LT_17 = (parseInt(version[0]) < 2 && parseInt(version[1]) < 7); var FullScreenAbstract = function() { this.__options = null; this._fullScreenElement = null; this.__savedStyles = {}; }; FullScreenAbstract.prototype = { _DEFAULT_OPTIONS: { styles: { 'boxSizing': 'border-box', 'MozBoxSizing': 'border-box', 'WebkitBoxSizing': 'border-box' }, toggleClass: null }, __documentOverflow: '', __htmlOverflow: '', _preventDocumentScroll: function() { this.__documentOverflow = $('body')[0].style.overflow; this.__htmlOverflow = $('html')[0].style.overflow; // $('body, html').css('overflow', 'hidden'); }, _allowDocumentScroll: function() { // $('body')[0].style.overflow = this.__documentOverflow; // $('html')[0].style.overflow = this.__htmlOverflow; }, _fullScreenChange: function() { if (!this.isFullScreen()) { this._allowDocumentScroll(); this._revertStyles(); this._triggerEvents(); this._fullScreenElement = null; } else { this._preventDocumentScroll(); this._triggerEvents(); } }, _fullScreenError: function(e) { this._revertStyles(); this._fullScreenElement = null; if (e) { $(document).trigger('fscreenerror', [e]); } }, _triggerEvents: function() { $(this._fullScreenElement).trigger(this.isFullScreen() ? 'fscreenopen' : 'fscreenclose'); $(document).trigger('fscreenchange', [this.isFullScreen(), this._fullScreenElement]); }, _saveAndApplyStyles: function() { var $elem = $(this._fullScreenElement); this.__savedStyles = {}; for (var property in this.__options.styles) { // save this.__savedStyles[property] = this._fullScreenElement.style[property]; // apply this._fullScreenElement.style[property] = this.__options.styles[property]; } if (this.__options.toggleClass) { $elem.addClass(this.__options.toggleClass); } }, _revertStyles: function() { var $elem = $(this._fullScreenElement); for (var property in this.__options.styles) { this._fullScreenElement.style[property] = this.__savedStyles[property]; } if (this.__options.toggleClass) { $elem.removeClass(this.__options.toggleClass); } }, open: function(elem, options) { // do nothing if request is for already fullscreened element if (elem === this._fullScreenElement) { return; } // exit active fullscreen before opening another one if (this.isFullScreen()) { this.exit(); } // save fullscreened element this._fullScreenElement = elem; // apply options, if any this.__options = $.extend(true, {}, this._DEFAULT_OPTIONS, options); // save current element styles and apply new this._saveAndApplyStyles(); }, exit: null, isFullScreen: null, isNativelySupported: function() { return IS_NATIVELY_SUPPORTED; } }; var FullScreenNative = function() { FullScreenNative._super.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.exit = $.proxy(native('exitFullscreen'), document); this._DEFAULT_OPTIONS = $.extend(true, {}, this._DEFAULT_OPTIONS, { 'styles': { 'width': '100%', 'height': '100%' } }); $(document) .bind(this._prefixedString('fullscreenchange') + ' MSFullscreenChange', $.proxy(this._fullScreenChange, this)) .bind(this._prefixedString('fullscreenerror') + ' MSFullscreenError', $.proxy(this._fullScreenError, this)); }; extend(FullScreenNative, FullScreenAbstract, { VENDOR_PREFIXES: ['', 'o', 'moz', 'webkit'], _prefixedString: function(str) { return $.map(this.VENDOR_PREFIXES, function(s) { return s + str; }).join(' '); }, open: function(elem, options) { FullScreenNative._super.open.apply(this, arguments); var requestFS = native(elem, 'requestFullscreen'); requestFS.call(elem); }, exit: $.noop, isFullScreen: function() { return native('fullscreenElement') !== null; }, element: function() { return native('fullscreenElement'); } }); var FullScreenFallback = function() { FullScreenFallback._super.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this._DEFAULT_OPTIONS = $.extend({}, this._DEFAULT_OPTIONS, { 'styles': { 'position': 'fixed', 'zIndex': '2147483647', 'left': 0, 'top': 0, 'bottom': 0, 'right': 0 } }); this.__delegateKeydownHandler(); }; extend(FullScreenFallback, FullScreenAbstract, { __isFullScreen: false, __delegateKeydownHandler: function() { var $doc = $(document); $doc.delegate('*', 'keydown.fullscreen', $.proxy(this.__keydownHandler, this)); var data = JQ_LT_17 ? $doc.data('events') : $._data(document).events; var events = data['keydown']; if (!JQ_LT_17) { events.splice(0, 0, events.splice(events.delegateCount - 1, 1)[0]); } else { data.live.unshift(data.live.pop()); } }, __keydownHandler: function(e) { if (this.isFullScreen() && e.which === 27) { this.exit(); return false; } return true; }, _revertStyles: function() { FullScreenFallback._super._revertStyles.apply(this, arguments); // force redraw (fixes bug in IE7 with content dissapearing) this._fullScreenElement.offsetHeight; }, open: function(elem) { FullScreenFallback._super.open.apply(this, arguments); this.__isFullScreen = true; this._fullScreenChange(); }, exit: function() { this.__isFullScreen = false; this._fullScreenChange(); }, isFullScreen: function() { return this.__isFullScreen; }, element: function() { return this.__isFullScreen ? this._fullScreenElement : null; } });$.fullscreen = IS_NATIVELY_SUPPORTED ? new FullScreenNative() : new FullScreenFallback(); $.fn.fullscreen = function(options) { var elem = this[0]; options = $.extend({ toggleClass: null, // overflow: 'hidden' }, options); options.styles = { // overflow: options.overflow }; // delete options.overflow; if (elem) { $.fullscreen.open(elem, options); } return this; }; })(jQuery); /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 18:14:48 Jul 25, 2017 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 11:15:45 Mar 12, 2020. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /* playback timings (ms): load_resource: 104.559 exclusion.robots: 0.298 RedisCDXSource: 22.32 LoadShardBlock: 332.936 (3) esindex: 0.017 CDXLines.iter: 20.593 (3) exclusion.robots.policy: 0.284 PetaboxLoader3.datanode: 433.966 (4) captures_list: 381.261 */